The story of Ilokivi – About us
The Student union building Ilokivi is located on Seminaarinmäki in Jyväskylä and was originally designed by architect Alvar Aalto. The past and present of Ilokivi are full of intriguing stories.
We work in Ilokivi
Located in Ilokivi are the offices of the Student Union, the office of the student magazine Jylkkäri, Semma’s Restaurant Ilokivi and Ilokivi Venue. Jyväskylä Student Theatre JYT uses Ilokivi as their rehearsal and performance stage. Architecture office Arkkitehtipalvelu Oy is located on the top floor of the building.

The Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä JYY
A prominent student organization, advocacy association, the owner of the Soihtu business unit and constructor of the student union building Ilokivi. The Student Union’s offices are located in the renovated Student Union building at street level.

Restaurant Ilokivi and Ilokivi Venue
Restaurant Ilokivi and Ilokivi Venue are some of the best-known student restaurants and culture venues in Jyväskylä. Lunch upstairs, movies and gigs downstairs. The entire Student Building Ilokivi also transforms into a double-floor venue to host parties, music and private events.

Jyväskylä Student Theatre JYT
Jyväskylä Student Theatre is a courageous and ambitious amateur theatre founded in 1960. JYT’s headquarters are located in the Student Union building Ilokivi. In addition to production performances, JYT actively takes part in cultural events in and beyond their hometown Jyväskylä. The theatre also performs by request for schools and corporations as well as sells ticket packages to larger groups such as corporations and associations.
Ilokivi: Since 1964
Jyväskylä University’s student union building originated from the student’s need for suitable premises for advocacy work in addition to venues for diverse cultural activities and a restaurant. The student union building was opened after many twists and turns in the autumn of 1964. The following spring the student union owned restaurant was opened and coined its name Ilokivi through a naming contest. The name refers to a rock located on Seminaarinmäki, that had been the meeting place for teacher education students’ spring festival.
Alvar Aalto has designed the campus architecture on Seminaarinmäki and also provided the original plans for the student union building.

Bowling fun and childcare
After the student union building was built, it became the center of academic student life. The building offered facilities for student nations, dance parties were held, there was a bowling alley downstairs, and the student union restaurant had liquor licenses. The student union building also provided childcare to help students with families from time to time (as student families were not yet eligible for day care provided by the municipality).
Ilokivi is full of stories
Ilokivi has been a home to many local associations and cultural actors. Many nationally and internationally renowned performing artists have started their careers on the stage of Ilokivi.
The heart of Ilokivi
Known for its delicious food, sustainable ingredients and food preparation, as well as excellent customer service, Ilokivi is part of the urban culture of Jyväskylä. The restaurant Ilokivi is part of Semma Oy from 1.1.2024 on.